Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Project-Christmas in July

Finished section #1 on #1062, Quilted Wreath yesterday.  This part of the wreath is pretty large (19x19") so it was a big reach to start on the first section.  The best way to handle this problem was to start the canvas upside down and stitch it in halves.

The first stitch is Cassique Stitch (one of Tony Minieri's creations) and I stitched it in a combination of Rainbow Tweed, Neon Rays, and Balger.  The Rainbow Tweed was the closest overdye I could find in Christmas colors, so even though it isn't very traditional it still has a Christmassy feeling.

Paulette will be stitching the companion piece, #1061 Partridge and Pears Quilt, so as soon as she returns from vacation I'll put this section aside and we will stitch our partridges together.

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